Alright let's face it. If you have already done network marketing you are going to relate with what I say. We know that in M-L-M, like any other business, most people aren't going to make it. Most people are going to leave. Most people are going to quit BEFORE they are successful. Most people don't commit themselves. Most people don't value spending time training themselves. Most people won't put in the time necessary to actually work their business.
After spending months of recruiting in my network marketing company and sponsoring hundreds of people I noticed that I was the only active player and the only person that was doing the works. My upline quit, my upline's upline quit and my upline upline's upline quit. Sure I was devastated at first but after studying the situation I understood the reason why and these are the common IDIOT reasons of quitting:
1. There was a ton of greed and ego in the company
2. There was no upline support
3. There SEEMS to be a better company to join
If you ask me, everything was on the line for me to quit. However, a thought came to my head: All were reasons for the 'AVERAGE' person to quit.
Though I couldn't deny that my uplines were snobs and are ony thinking about how much money they can make (one of them has even manipulated the money of his group and left off with it), my upline support is fading and a new company has just emerged and has tempted me to join in. I stepped back and decided to think of these factors as an OPPORTUNITY.
I reversed those factors and make it work for me. In fact I was glad that there was a 'clearing' of these junkies that will pave way for me to move to the top. The market for MY prospects has dramatically increased!
It is about time to HELP and TRAIN my downlines and monopolize the market with my core group. If you train your downlines, your retention rate goes through the roof. Their loyalty goes to you and will follow you wherever company you will go.
HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DOWNLINES will soon be posted. ^^
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